A downloadable "game"

what is this even

It's an Emacs Lisp program that generates a Game Boy game!
Well, a "game" - it's not very fun.
But it has many game-like attributes! Graphics! Music! User interaction! Sound effects!
It's also allegedly an entry for the Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024.
I made a lot of it live on Twitch at twitch.tv/LCOLONQ!

where can i find the source

It's available on GitHub, and also in the attached tarball.

this doesn't count as a lisp game at all what the heck it's mostly assembly shoved in cons cells and there's no gameplay

sorry i wanted to do some higher-level expression -> asm stuff but time was short. feel free to disqualify me from the jam if you like, my feelings certainly will not be hurt! I had a ton of fun making this so it's all gravy

what does it look like

ok thank you <3


gizmo.tar.gz 410 kB

Install instructions

Both the source and a prebuilt ROM are in "gizmo.tar.gz".

Ddownload the attached tarball and run "game.gb" with a Game Boy emulator! To rebuild the ROM, you can run:

emacs --script game.el

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